Order Cancellation
Customers cannot cancel their own orders.
If you wish to cancel your order, reach out to our team immediately at info@kappa-usa.com with your order number and reason for cancellation. We will try our best to accommodate your request, but we cannot guarantee it.
If your order has shipped, we cannot cancel the order, and we kindly ask that you go through the returns process once you receive the package should you wish to not keep the items. Cancelled orders are refunded immediately. It may take 3-5 business days for the refund to be posted to the original form of payment.
If you wish to cancel your order, reach out to our team immediately at info@kappa-usa.com with your order number and reason for cancellation. We will try our best to accommodate your request, but we cannot guarantee it.
If your order has shipped, we cannot cancel the order, and we kindly ask that you go through the returns process once you receive the package should you wish to not keep the items. Cancelled orders are refunded immediately. It may take 3-5 business days for the refund to be posted to the original form of payment.